Table of Contents Item

Please note: This class is currently only available in the beta version.

The table-of-contents-item class is used for styling a single item of a table of contents. These items are always embedded in a table-of-contents block. Each heading level can be styled independently using pseudoclasses.


  • Definitions:

    • table-of-contents-item

Style Settings

See also: Paragraph, Inline


See also: Paragraph, Inline

Class Description
:heading-1 The style matches any table of contents item referring to a level 1 heading.
:heading-2 The style matches any table of contents item referring to a level 2 heading.
:heading-3 The style matches any table of contents item referring to a level 3 heading.
:heading-4 The style matches any table of contents item referring to a level 4 heading.
:heading-5 The style matches any table of contents item referring to a level 5 heading.
:heading-6 The style matches any table of contents item referring to a level 6 heading.


// Sets the font for each table of contents item.
table-of-contents-item {
  font-family:     "Avenir Next"
  font-size:       12pt

// Adds an additional top margin for level 1 headings
table-of-contents-item :heading-1 {
   margin-top:     10pt

// Uses a smaller font size for level 2 headings
table-of-contents-item :heading-2 {
   font-size:      10pt