Simple Turabian Preview 1
Simple Turabian Preview 2

Simple Turabian

By Richard Wu

A simplified version of the Turabian format, designed for academic use. Inspired by Simple MLA, Simple APA, and modified directly from Carlos Núñez's Academic Paper theme.

- Proper text size and spacing
- Proper block quote formatting (indented, justified, smaller text)

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A simplified version of the Turabian format, designed for academic use. Inspired by Simple MLA, Simple APA, and modified directly from Carlos Núñez's Academic Paper theme.

- Proper text size and spacing
- Proper block quote formatting (indented, justified, smaller text)
- Proper page number placement at the top right
- Proper paragraph indenting for the main body

Missing elements:
- Turabian-styled title page
- Bibliography page
- Proper 10pt spacing between footnotes
- Properly formatted headers
- Bug: Placing comments between paragraphs can add an unwanted new line.

This is my first theme, so I apologize for any obvious errors. If anyone knows how to add those missing elements, please go ahead and do so. Thanks for trying this out!

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